Orders must be confirmed in writing or by e-mail. Please, include your full postal address, e-mail and also tel. number with the country and regional codes, too. At entry of a new order I send a price offer together with an invoice for a deposit. Orders date from receipt of the deposit.
A deposit of 20% of the price is required. This payment on account is needed to cover expenses for the materials and tooling. Therefore, in case of cancellation of an order by the customer, the deposit is not refundable.
Terms of Payment
Balance to be paid at completion and before delivery. I can only accept bank transfers. My bank details will be given individually with the invoice or price offer for a new order. Cheques or cards are not acceptable, but cash is when collecting at my workshop.
Waiting time
There is a waiting list of about 12 months. Further and more detailed information will be given individually. The exact waiting time cannot be guaranteed and it is not part of the purchase contract.
You are welcome to visit the workshop and try my flutes and chanters. Please, contact me in advance – it is necessary to make an appointment and fix date and hour.